Guess I’ll Pat Myself on the Back Now

Exactly a month – 31 days – ago, I responded to the challenge to post everyday for 365 days.

I did it on a lark.

This blog was registered back in 2007 and though I write (almost) everyday for work, I hadn’t been able to muster up the energy or enthusiasm to post even once a week.

That is, until I saw the challenge. It said to me: Dare to write. Dare to be original. Dare to be authentic. Dare to be naked emotionally. Dare to be controversial. Dare to be funny. I dare you!

So I write and I read and I comment on other bloggers’ blogs and I strive to be a better blogger, a better writer.

And I’m having fun! Just like I used to in writing classes. I look forward to coming up with topics to write, share my stories and craft eye-catching headlines.

I also look forward to receiving comments. No, I love receiving and reading comments. There are so many blogs out there, I’m thrilled when you stop by mine and let me know what you think. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

But today, I’m also patting myself on the back to mark this important milestone.

3 comments on “Guess I’ll Pat Myself on the Back Now

  1. commenting! 🙂
    I just set up my blog like a week ago, and perhaps it’s the newbie-feel to it, but I’m excited reading this ‘post-everyday’ thing.. 🙂
    I got several posts under my belt, and looking forward to writing some more today. Thanks for the inspiration!

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