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Durban’s Polite Potholes

Driving around Johannesburg, Cape Town and then Durban, we realized very quickly how astoundingly beautiful South Africa is. Each city has its unique charm, its own unmistakable landscape.

Located on the eastern coast, Durban is the location of South Africa’s busiest port. It enjoys a balmy, subtropical climate.

These trees are just so majestic

As we drove higher up the Drakensberg Mountains, we were enveloped by clouds. If Don, our driver and guide, was nervous, he didn’t let on. I took this photo as soon as it cleared

Magnificent clouds

and revealed these spectacular views.

Mountain shadows
Shadows on the mountain
Another face of Durban
A river flows down there
Dwarfed by the mountain

And then we saw this sign. Don had to slow down so I could get a photo. I knew no one would believe me if I didn’t have proof.

How polite!

I wonder what we can infer about Durban from their pothole signs. Tell me what you think.

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